This time. felt like writing in Mandarin.... thou there are some words I'd forgotten, I actually made an effort to call up my zi mui to cross ref & confirm... This piece is the 1st time am expressing in Mandarin after at least 8yrs fm the last time I wrote:
原来啊,这世间里,巧合,缘分和遇到了那个唯一,并不易。再说,不管你信与否,即使给你找到了,那一刻是不留人的。尽管你多费心,把那一刻挽留,对方突然间又放弃以为你并不认真时,尽管他真是你的缘份; 他,已经把他们之间的缘份,送给了天使,带去了一个地方叫做"不可能"。
wish bill will accept u